Tuesday, 31 July 2012

All scanned!

A very early start at the hospital today! My appointment was for just after 8am so we had to be up well before 6am so that I could take all my meds before the 2-hour fast started. As usual, despite the best efforts of the radiographers, getting the cannula in was something of a nightmare, so I am rather bruised and battered as a result. They told me that in future it ought to be possible for me to have an advanced appointment with the chemo unit to have someone used to dealing with crappy veins put the cannula in. That would be make a huge difference! The scan itself is a doddle compared with all the hassle with the cannula!

Now it's back to the waiting game. I've been told that my scans should be reviewed at the weekly MDT meeting this Thursday. Hopefully that means that someone should get back to me fairly soon after then - keep your fingers crossed for me!


  1. Fingers very very tightly crossed for you and very warm (and exceptionally gentle) hugs. thinking of you xxx

    PS I had posted a comment on your last post but it seems to have disappeared into the ether :( (Our connectivity here is very problematic). Thinking of you often, even if connectivity suggests otherwise xxx
