Wednesday, 16 January 2013

A new home

Hi everyone, I have moved this blog over to a new account at Wordpress. I made the decision to do this because all my other blogs are there. So please go to to continue reading my story and take advantage of all the interesting articles and reviews I will be posting over the coming months.

I will still be calling by to catch up with all those whose blogs I follow here, so I'm not abandoning you altogether! :)


  1. Hello Fellow Cancer Warrior!

    My name is Allison and I read your survival blog and it truly has moved me. I wanted to introduce myself and my new t-shirt line to you. I wanted to start a tshirt line because I had a few bad days due to chemo and just wanted to scream out to the world how I felt. One night I had a vision to express myself and others on how we felt about cancer! And my dream came true with I am doing something special in the beginning of the line and that is limited editions. Part of the proceeds will go to non-profit cancer organizations. I would love for you to take a minute to look at my line and even spread it through out your friends and family. Im also on facebook under Warrior Tee Shirts. Thank you so much and continue to live a beautiful cancer free life!


    Allison Warrior Pickens

    1. Thank you Alison, I will take a look at your website and I wish you a cancer free life too. x
